The importance of trauma healing.
“The collective psyche is holographic: we are both one and many, unique and unified, individual and whole. We are each responsible to each other, to our ancestors, and to our descendants, as well as to the Earth, which is our home. Together, I believe we can and must heal the ‘soul wound’ that marks us all.” – Thomas Hübl
Photographer: Ann Vandenbogaerde
Trauma healing, what does it mean?
There is individual, collective and transgenerational trauma that has influence on the response patterns of our bodies and minds. When we neglect and push away our feelings, our hurt and we do not find a way to express them in a safe environment (society, family, our own mind) then history can repeat itself untill there comes recognition and understanding. So in order to create a new world, we have to understand the trauma’s of the past. Trauma healing is the work that is done so that the automatic learned responses to trauma can be felt, integrated, understood and released. In that way we can change how we behave from reacting to towards chosing to act differently with understanding and aknowledging all sides of it.
“The healthy man does not torture others – generally it is the tortured who turn into torturers.”~Carl Jung
Photographer: Ann Vandenbogaerde